Changes to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:
On May 1, 2018, we’re updating our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. If you keep using our website after May 1, you're letting us know that you're okay with the updates.

What's changing?
We’re adding more detail about how and why we use the information we collect about you, how we share it, who we share it with, and your rights with that data.

Why are we making these updates?
There are some new European privacy rules that will apply across Europe on May 25. We’re using this opportunity to make sure we’re really clear on how we use your information—regardless of where you live.

This does not affect at all the way you use our website.

If you're not okay with the changes, you can close your account. But before you do that, please get in touch with us so we can answer any questions you have.

Remember, if you keeping using our website after May 1, 2018, you're letting us know that you're okay with these updates.